Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Mya received a special glitter card
for awesome writing. Great Work Mya

We are learning to write our stories on the computer.

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Today we welcomed coaches from the 
Ole Football Academy. 
They will be teaching us football skills over the next five weeks.

Today we played some cool games and learned how to toe-tap, and stop the ball.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Welcome and Happy Birthday Mya and Levi

Thursday, 24 May 2012

School Cross Country

What an awesome day we had at our School Cross Country. 
Thanks to all those who came along to cheer us on. Thanks also to Logan's Dad for the photos.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012


Over the last ten weeks we have been learning about 
New Zealand Native Birds. 

Our big idea is Sustainability.

We asked lots of questions.....

What are birds?

Where do they live?

What do birds look like?

What do birds eat?

The most important question was- 
What can we do to help our New Zealand birds?

 We worked in our buzz groups, brainstorming and reading books.

Then we started to learn how to write a Report.

A report tells about things. It tells what a thing is, what it looks like, where it is found and what it can do.

Here are some reports we wrote about the Kiwi and Kereru.


Kiwis are birds that we know.
They have brown feathers.
They can not fly.
I like Kiwis. By Riley

Kiwis are birds.
They can not fly.
They eat worms. By Lennon

Kiwis are nocturnal.
They come out at night.
They live in the forest.
Kiwis are special.  By Sophie

Kiwis can't fly.
Kiwis have long beaks.  By Charlie

Kiwis are living things.
They eat worms.  By Anna


A Kereru is a pigeon.
It has a red beak.    By Logan

A Kereru is a bird.
They have short orange beaks
and green and white feathers.
They live in the forest.    By Mac 

We found out hundreds of Kereru are killed or injured when they fly into windows. So are lots of other birds.

We have found a way to help.
We made snowflakes to put on our windows so the birds will see them and won't have crashes.

Riley gave a snowflake to Mr Smith to put on the window in his office. 

We think we are very clever. 

What do you think?

Congratulations Mac

I got a trophy at rugby.
It was for  the Player of the Day
I felt happy.

Thursday, 17 May 2012


Today we welcomed Sophie, Anna, Logan and Charlie.

Congratulations to Anna and Lennon who received certificates for 
Self Management. Well done Guys.
We have had a great week.

We also had a performance from our School Band.

Monday, 14 May 2012

The Webb Ellis Cup

  Black Out Day

I am very excited because the Rugby World Cup 
is coming to the school.     Mac

Today is black out day. We are excited.
The Rugby World Cup is coming to our school.  Riley


Sunday, 13 May 2012




              Let's celebrate one more time